What is a hub?

A hub is a place for the community to come together in a time of need, such as a natural disaster. If normal communication or transportation is disrupted, it's a place to gather in-person to exchange information about what is happening, as well as matching up needs with resources locally. Ravenna is just one of many hubs located strategically around the city. Many were initially funded by grants from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

What is a hub NOT?

A Hub is NOT a place to get food or water after a disaster.  (In a perfect world, each household would have at least two weeks of food and water stored within their home.)  Hub volunteers have gear to help the community organize and support our neighbors in meeting their basic needs until help can arrive from outside the impacted area.  Learn more

The Hub network was started in 2004 and is a grass-roots, all-volunteer group.  None of us are paid for the work we do but some of our gear is funded through Seattle's Department of Neighborhoods grant program.

Where is our hub?

Our hub is located at Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center, near the basketball court. During an emergency, we may need to use the adjacent tennis courts or grass field.

Normally there is nothing to see, this is just a gathering location. If we "activate" there will likely be at least one canopy and table set up, along with signage nearby to welcome visitors.


This map shows the approximate walking radius of 15 minutes. If you are outside of this area, please check the Seattle NeighborLink Map to see if there is a another hub closer to you. If  there is not, or there is a P-patch or inactive hub, consider signing up to be a hub captain yourself.